What a loaded topic! We all need it, some people base their self worth on it and others lose their self worth for it.
Many marital arguments are due to money or sex or sometimes both.
It is interesting to see how people deal with money. You have the savers that sacrifice themselves in order to have it, you have the spenders that can make multiple figures and yet have no money. As a therapist who works with divorced parents it's amazing to see how each parent can nickel and dime the other over what was spent on the kids. Child support is also a conflict since every father believes the mother is taking the money for nails, hair and men; the few mothers that pay child support feel that the father has the kids for the money he gets.
In a relationship, I find that money is symbolic of the health of the relationship. I have found that healthy couples have goals for their future and create a nest. Their money is for home/shelter, time together and meeting mutual goals. I see people hiding money, asserting their place in the home based on money and all that does is slowly destroy the relationship. In any relationship there is going to be one that makes more than the other. Perhaps through the life time of the relationship or at any given time. In a healthy relationship, the larger earner should not boast about this. There should be a sense of equality. Making more or less in a relationship does not determine your "rank" in the marriage or relationship. If there is love, the partners are equal.
Perhaps when we stop determining people's worth by how much money they make and instead value people for their character and behavior we shall all be a little happier and healthier.
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