In today's world, these two words can cause a heated debate. These two simple words have become charged by a movement that perhaps need not be political. But this is not about that.
" Choose Life" I saw that on a license plate the other day and couldn't help but see that there is so much more to this than the political movement. Let's read it again, Choose Life.
I believe when we choose life, we choose to live. Choose to be whole, be positive, share with others and work on maintaining peace in our souls.
Happiness and contentment, as is love are all choices. We choose to love others and we choose to be happy and content. What is the secret to happiness? I have a deal for you, I can let you on the secret, right here, for free. No need to buy the the several books out there. Count your blessings and be aware and happy for what you have.
Of course, life is full of hills and valleys. But, you have blessings, you have strengths. It is not about what your neighbor has or what you think you "should have" it's what you have.
An exercise that some people do, is keep a blessings journal. For those not used to seeing life this way, it may take a while to reframe your thinking, but it is possible.
Take time this Thanksgiving and look at the blessings, the positives in your life.