Wednesday, August 6, 2014

What you need to do is_____________.

Everyone seems to have an opinion and they think they are correct. OY! Problem is that everyone's opinion is based on their life, their culture, their world. Every one Googles and yes, there you will find people's opinions. Seeking advice is easy these days and everyone will give you a suggestion. A should, could, etc which are dirty words that don't help. I have discussed these "dirty" words in other blogs because they in fact are not helpful. You need to do what is right for YOU. For you, not anyone online or anyone that you know socially. The problem is most people never take the time the know themselves and trust themselves. You need to understand that there will always be times when you feel you don't know yourself well, but you can always come back to "center" Center is your core, who you are. Your values, your comfort zone, where you feel OK. Mind you, there will be times when you may stray from your core but hopefully you can get in tune to knowing when you are straying from your core. We all stray but should be able to make it back. How do you find your core? It takes some time with yourself. I am not a fan of "self help books" because they are not all created equal. There are some good ones but you have to be careful. I do believe you also need to become aware of your spiritual self. No, not pushing a specific religion. You may start where your family started, if your parents did not introduce you to spirituality then do some research and go as close to what your ancestors worshiped, learn that and grow from there. I have to add here that I do believe in a higher power and this is very important in this type of work. It helps that there is a higher power, a creator, that knows us, loves and accepts us. If you were created, in love, and for a purpose, that, grounds you. You are not a helium balloon just flowing aimlessly through life. The problem is most people have tuned me out. Higher power? God? Church? Now I have lost people. But, taking time to meditate or pray is a very centering activity. It's such a beautiful thing to love yourself as you are. Big, tall, short, overweight, tanned, white, black, messy, whatever adjective describes you. Sure, that doesn't mean that because you are messy by nature you need to live in a dirty kennel. No, we all have weaknesses and strengths. We work with what we have and work at doing our best. Self Acceptance because you were made this way for a purpose. So, if you are the only person with a particular thought which you think is correct. Respect others but ask yourself why you think you have that thought. What is it based on? Journal, learn and discuss without necessarily following the crowd. Do what you think is correct after self analysis and discernment. Remember that there is good and evil in the world, ying yang, whatever you want to call it. You will be more confident when you know why you think what you and it is good for you and it's good for others. Working with out knowing who you are, coreless , may get you lost in a wild and crazy world. You need to be able to discern between good and bad for you and for society. Peace.

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