So we are two days post the election. This election was different from previous elections in the United States.
18 months of campaigning, in what was best described as an unusual election.
This is NOT a political post. This is a "let's talk and keep our sanity" post, primarily because at the end the day, we all have to return to work and have responsibilities.
No one knows the future, we only know the present.
In politics, as in any other aspect of life, we all have an opinion. Some people support President- elect Trump and others Secretary Rodman Clinton. Yes, she always liked to add her maiden name and it's sad she doesn't use it anymore, since I never know which Clinton they are talking about. But I digress.
People of all ages were upset yesterday. Others cheered. Because the Trump supporters are thrilled, and there is anguish with the others, I will address coping skills for those who voted, supported Rodham Clinton and feel "scared" with a Trump-Pence future.
I think we have to stop, turn off social media, TV and breathe. "ground" yourself. What "grounds" you? That is anything that helps you relax excluding food, drugs, sex or alcohol. Yep, sorry I stopped the party. Let's think hobbies, exercise and time with family/friends. Perhaps meditation or prayer. Perhaps reading.
Focus on the here and now. We can not worry about tomorrow nor can we go back to yesterday. No, not possible. Not even if you have the red cap ( sorry, I had to- humor is important)
Sit with yourself and check in to your thoughts. What are your thoughts? What worries you? What scares you?
Doing this should give you insight into what is going on with you. Your thoughts and worries are yours, and another person's is different. so focus on you.
We have witness some real ugly, none professional, sexists and racist behaviors come from this campaign. I guess we all think that we were done with that. However, as some people say. the "struggle is real". Life is a journey and life is very much like the seasons, like the ocean. There are ups and downs and there is change. Life is not static, it is dynamic. While we may sleep , we can not be asleep in life, through out life.
As I observed some unusual campaigning and behavior, I wondered how survivors of abuse, bullying, or sexual assault felt. I felt that some of Mr. Trump's behavior could potentially be triggers for people, especially women who have had experience with an abuser , especially a man. Rodham Clinton handled it remarkably well at least on camera. But domestic violence survivors and others may be affected. That behavior could trigger memories of previous abuse. I would recommend anyone experiencing this to please find a therapist to speak to. Watching that on social media or TV could trigger anxiety and it's best to seek professional help.
We can not expect our elected officials to do for us , just because. They are people, and as "people" they are flawed.
We must be involved in our world. That means being aware, being involved in our political process and being civically involved. It's our country and we must take care of it. Become an elected official, help support an elected official, become an advocate.
Michael Moore said it better than me, but he wrote about the fact that we have not lost America. In fact, Rodham Clinton won the popular vote. That means that America was with her. What happened is that our founding fathers created the electoral college so that changes things. Each state has a certain number of votes and that is what ultimately counts.
So this means we need to work with what we have now, but we need to feel empowered and keep an eye on what happens in government. If we are not happy we must speak up. Find like minded people and advocate for the change you want.
Both political parties have clubs. Find one near you and join. You will meet like minded people and you will therefore not be isolated.
Be mindful of social media, we tend to spend too much time online and too much of that just creates stress. Focus on critical thinking. Question things! Just because Joe Blow says something, do some research before you get all worked up. Be mindful of what you watch on TV and get real facts not just crazy propaganda.
Limit your time to news and political commentary. All that is always going to be there. When you get back from exercising or reading a great book, that is going to be there. No, the world is not going to end. Breathe and understand that if Rodham Clinton got the popular vote, we don't live in a racist, ugly country. WE ARE THE PEOPLE, WE ARE THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES.
peace and love be with you. Together we can.
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